What is Mediation
Mediation creates a space for a respectful dialogue. It starts a process of listening to each other in a way that helps you understand one another more profoundly. This enables you to look jointly for new solutions. While I help structure the process, you are the ones who make the decisions and look for outcomes together.
In mediation, the focus is on what connects, on what you have in common. The mutual differences do not need to be overcome any more – they are allowed to exist side by side and can even be seen as enriching again. Solutions found by mediation are often more durable, because you worked them out yourselves and they are sustained by all persons involved.
What do I do?
I invite you to enter a space with me where all is possible. Perspectives are put side by side, new ones are explored. Together, we look at the needs of everyone involved in the process, including children and grandparents, and I help you to make sure that these are addressed by the solutions found. I work with a variety of communication models that can help change the way you interact, always starting from what is needed by you and your relationship.
Furthermore, I offer to explore what makes you position yourselves in conflict the way you do, and to learn more about specific topics that repeatedly return. For this, I use timelines, genograms, family stories, embodiment coaching techniques. This may give you new insights that can help change your story. The process goes as far and as deep as you decide.
I am multi-partial, which means that I try to put myself in each of your positions in turns. This includes people who are not actually present at the mediation, for instance children or your larger context of family and friends.

As a mediator, I give information, but I do not propose solutions. In case I cannot give the desired information myself, I try to find someone who can. I cooperate with psychotherapists, lawyers, other mediators, coaches, accountants, and others.
I do not draft divorce or separation agreements myself anymore, but I can refer you to recognised family mediators who do.

What do I do?
I invite you to enter a space with me where all is possible. Perspectives are put side by side, new ones are explored. Together, we look at the needs of everyone involved in the process, including children and grandparents, and I help you to make sure that these are addressed by the solutions found. I work with a variety of communication models that can help change the way you interact, always starting from what is needed by you and your relationship.
Furthermore, I offer to explore what makes you position yourselves in conflict the way you do, and to learn more about specific topics that repeatedly return. For this, I use timelines, genograms, family stories, embodiment coaching techniques. This may give you new insights that can help change your story. The process goes as far and as deep as you decide.
I am multi-partial, which means that I try to put myself in each of your positions in turns. This includes people who are not actually present at the mediation, for instance children or your larger context of family and friends.
I do not draft divorce or separation agreements myself anymore, but I can refer you to recognised family mediators who do.
Coaching & Mediation combined
Should you be in a mediation process for divorce or separation elsewhere, check out my coaching offer. The idea of accompanying coaching sessions is to help you activate your protective wraps, so you feel more anchored while embarking on the transition. In order to be able to face the future and create something new, it can be important to look at the past, to make room for grief, and to explore what and who has helped you in previous moments of difficulty. Additionally, we can explore centring techniques that work for you and help you deal with stress.
If you want to solve a problem, you cannot solve it
if you continue to think the same way you were thinking when you created it.
Albert Einstein